Specialist Phytophthora research: Biology, pathology, ecology and detection of Phytophthora taxon Agathis
Title information
S. Bellgard, B. Weir, S. Pennycook, E. Paderes, C. Winks, R. Beever [deceased], D. Than, L. Hill, S. Williams
Research provider
Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research
Research on pathology, biology and ecology of PA.
Demonstrated that P. agathidicida can form oospores in the roots of kauri and non-target, native host plants, and identified that Agathis robusta (Queensland Kauri) is resistant to P. agathidicida. Identified P. multivora and P. cinnamomi around KD affected tree, and the presence of P. cinnamomi in the roots (at depth of 75 cm) of kauri with collar rot caused by P. agathidicida. Calculated rate of spread of KD at established Huia Transect. Species concept for P. agathidicida and resolution of Clade 5 Phytophthora species (Weir et al. 2015; Phytotaxon), PCR primer designed, and extraction protocol from soil and tissue samples developed (Than et al. 2013, Forest Pathology); Research visit to Taiwan searching for P. agathidicida and P. lateralis in cloud forest of Taiwan (Webber et al. 2011 Forest Pathology).