Give Kauri Space to Grow
Together we can protect Kauri.
To preserve kauri for generations to come, we need to give them space to grow. That’s why 10 rules have been introduced as part of a National Plan to protect kauri from the pathogen that causes kauri dieback disease.
Learn more about Give Kauri Space to Grow
Why are kauri so important?
A cornerstone of the indigenous forests.
Kauri are one of the longest-living tree species in the world, living between 1000-2000 years. Māori see the health of kauri as a sign of general wellbeing of the ngahere and people.
Learn more about Why are kauri so important?You can help save kauri
Kauri are under threat from a disease. The disease can be spread by a single speck of soil or dirt. By preventing the spread of disease, kauri can be saved - by people like you.

National Pest Management Plan
What you need to know
The National Plan provides a consistent approach for managing the risk of the disease affecting kauri. It brings together government, Māori, councils and communities to lead and work collaboratively together on kauri protection.
Learn more about National Pest Management PlanTiakina Kauri Mission
Mahi tahi: Working together for stronger kauri protection
Ka pērā te whiri o te kauri ki ōna hoa ngahere e tāwharautia ai te oranga o te ngahere, me whiri hoki mātou te taura tangata kia tāwharautia ai , kia whakamarumaruhia ai ō tātou ngahere kauri mō ngā uri whakaheke.
Just as kauri entwine with others to protect the health of the forest, we work together to protect and preserve our kauri lands for future generations.
About usVideo player
Atmospheric with lush textures featuring synthesizers.
Sound effects
Video begins with running water over shot of river. Bird calls are heard throughout the rest of the video.
The video shows drone shots of New Zealand forests and a shot of walking through a forest.
Tēnā koutou katoa e tiaki ana i te Kauri.
Just as kauri entwines with others to protect the health of the forest, we work together to protect and preserve our kauri lands for future generations.
The video shows wide drone shot of New Zealand forest, stylised animation of kauri tree roots animates over footage.
The words Tiakina
Overlay text “Tiakina” appears over above footage.
The video shows Kauri tree (Tāne Mahuta) from below looking up, sunlight filters through the branches.
Kauri symbolise the pairing of two kaupapa:
Overlay text “Kauri” appears over footage.
Overlay text “Tāne Mahuta, Waipoua Ngahere” appears
Stylised animation of kauri tree roots animates over footage.
Close-up shot of kauri tree roots, animation continues over footage.
Tiakina is a call to action to guard, protect and serve.
Drone shot going up kauri tree, animation continues over footage.
It represents the physical action we must all take to care for and protect kauri.
Shot looking up kauri tree while spinning around trunk.
Kauri represents the mana and majesty of kauri;
Shot of three people looking up at kauri tree.
the spiritual experience of kauri –
Shot of kauri tree, camera pans up trunk. Animation of Tiakina Kauri logo begins.
what can be seen, heard and felt in the presence of these sacred trees.
Mahi tahi, working together for stronger kauri protection
Overlay text “Mahi tahi, working together for stronger kauri protection” appears
Animation of logo finishes. Fade to Biosecurity New Zealand logo and Tiakina Kauri logo.